Black Friday Special! (50% off CPC Exam Practice)

Hey y'all, Just a reminder that you can get the full set of 5 CPC practice exams in PDF (plus access to our upcoming flashcard tool) for 50% off the regular price today. Just follow this link and sign up for the Annual membership or use the code BLACKFRIDAY50.

Use the code BLACKFRIDAY50 to get 50% off all CPC Practice Exams at MedicalCodingAce!

Hey y'all,

Just a reminder that you can get the full set of 5 CPC practice exams in PDF (plus access to our upcoming flashcard tool) for 50% off the regular price today.

Just follow this link and sign up for the Annual membership or use the code BLACKFRIDAY50 to get all 5 CPC practice tests for the Black Friday price of $16.

(To receive the discount, click the link above and choose "Annual" in the menu. Cancel anytime.)

If you have any feedback or questions just let us know.


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