Our Coding Satisfaction Guarantee

We stand behind the quality of our work. That's why we offer the Coding Satisfaction Guarantee: If you purchase any of our memberships or practice exam materials and don't pass the CPC on the first try, we will refund your purchase and give you a free year's subscription to kickstart your studying.

Your medical coding satisfaction guaranteed!

We stand behind the quality of our work. That's why we offer the Coding Satisfaction Guarantee:

If you purchase any of our memberships or practice exam materials and don't pass the CPC on the first try, we will refund your purchase and give you a free year's subscription to Medical Coding Ace to set you up right for your next test taking.

We hope you enjoy!

The Staff at Medical Coding Ace

Satisfaction is guaranteed at Medical Coding Ace!
Some proof of test-taking and score may be required. To request a satisfaction guarantee, send proof of receipt of purchase, proof of receipt for AAPC exam, and proof of score to MedicalCodingAce@gmail.com. Your refund request will be processed within 2 business days.

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